Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Nous avons de nombreuses ressources pour vous aider à découvrir d'autres aspects de ServiceMax.

GE Healthcare Improves Scheduling to Deliver Faster, Better Service with Service Board


As a leading global medical technology and digital solutions innovator, GE Healthcare enables clinicians to make faster, more informed decisions through intelligent devices, data analytics, applications and services.

Un-Silo Service Data


Breaking down data silos and providing service data to functions across the enterprise supports key decision-making at all levels and accelerates digital transformation.

Schneider Electric: Business Transformation on a Global Scale


  • Oil & Energy

Schneider Electric harvests the benefits of ServiceMax field service management software to ensure that Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment via energy management and automation solutions.

Asset Data Drives Value Across the Organization


Discover how asset data drives value from your front-line and operational teams to your strategic and management teams.

Manufacturing Leader 3D Systems Increases Uptime, Drives Improved Service Profitability with ServiceMax & Aquant


  • Mechanical or Industrial Manufacturing

To ensure that 3D Systems' customer service matches the quality and speed of their printing capabilities, they turned to ServiceMax and its partner Aquant.

Field Service of the Future: Trends to Watch


Take a look at the 20 trends that are essential to the survival of all industrial organizations in the competitive service business landscape.

Total Cost of Building Business Applications: How to Create a Comprehensive ROI Calculation


When considering to Build vs. Buy, you must consider all implications, especially those hiding beneath the surface. We created a model to help identify and uncover how far the iceberg extends under the waterline, in other words—make the hidden cost elements visible.

Système solaire de transformation numérique


La plupart des départements de votre entreprise peuvent profiter des données des actifs et des services. Les données sont l'une des principales forces motrices qui sous-tendent l'économie moderne, mais les données sur les actifs et les services sont particulièrement cruciales. Les organisations collectent, regroupent et analysent beaucoup de choses, mais la façon dont elles le font peut être soit le catalyseur qui les pousse à gagner par rapport à leurs concurrents, soit l'iceberg qui fait couler leur navire.