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Data sheet
ServiceMax Field Service Management


ServiceMax is the leader in Field Service Management. Our solution enables organizations to drive new sources of revenue, increase efficiencies in their service operations, and expand both customer satisfaction and overall market differentiation.

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ServiceMax DataGuide


DataGuide enhances the power of ServiceMax Go and the Core platform by combining the capabilities of Advanced Forms and Document Generation to guide technicians to efficiently capture and present data in support of a variety of tasks such as inspection, maintenance, and safety. Learn more about how DataGuide will deliver an experience for your field technicians that will boost their productivity, reduce administrative time, and eliminate costly errors in your service data.

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Spark FX


The ServiceMax Spark FX Professional Services package provides you with key functionalities through a fixed-scope approach, designed for quick implementation and rapid time to value. Spark FX’s functional scope is suited to companies that have outgrown manual processes and are looking to improve their service operations—accelerating their digital transformation journey.

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The Benefits of Asset Data for Operational Teams


ServiceMax's Asset 360 empowers your operational teams across the asset lifecycle – design/build, sell/install/rent, maintain/operate and replace – to improve service execution and drive operational excellence.

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ComplianceQuest for ServiceMax


Together, ComplianceQuest and ServiceMax drive field service effectiveness by helping companies proactively identify trends and potential issues from quality data, such as complaints, to help mitigate risks associated with assets and field services.

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10 Steps Service Organizations Can Take to Be Prepared for the Evolution of Field Service


The following 10 actions are areas that organizations should prioritize to continue the path of service leadership.

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Spark Core


This Spark Professional Services package provides you with key functionality of the ServiceMax Core platform and is designed for fast implementation and rapid time to value. The functional scope is ideal for companies that are outgrowing manual processes and want to move to the next level of field service execution. By providing you with guard rails of prescribed processes, Spark helps you implement ServiceMax Core efficiently.

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Spark 360


ServiceMax Spark gives you what you need to quickly transform your service operations and reap the benefits of increased service profitability, asset visibility, and agility. With Spark 360, you will have access to all the project leadership, expertise, and services you need to successfully go live with ServiceMax Asset 360—quickly, cost-effectively, and risk-free.

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ServiceMax Asset 360 Connect from MuleSoft


Efficient field service execution increasingly depends on leveraging data across the enterprise. Typically, this data is siloed within separate systems, resulting in challenging integration projects. ServiceMax and MuleSoft have partnered to help ServiceMax easily and quickly connect this siloed data with ServiceMax Asset 360, the leading field service management solution for asset-centric companies.

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Potenzia la tua soluzione di assistenza con funzionalità pensate per gli asset


I servizi di assistenza e manutenzione stanno diventando sempre più sofisticati e complicati nella loro gestione. L'innovazione tecnologica, le aspettative dei clienti, le dinamiche del settore e i nuovi modelli di business stanno richiedendo nuovi approcci per come il lavoro viene eseguito in prima linea. ServiceMax Asset 360 per Salesforce aiuta coloro i quali utilizzano Salesforce Field Service ad affrontare nuovi casi d'uso di servizi complessi e a trarre ancora più valore dalle loro implementazioni. Asset 360 integra le funzionalità leader di Salesforce incentrate sulla gestione degli appuntamenti con le funzionalità incentrate sugli asset di ServiceMax in aree quali: la gestione di processi complessi, titolarità e visibilità della base installata. La soluzione offre davvero un'esperienza eccellente.

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ServiceMax Connect by Jitterbit


ServiceMax Connect by Jitterbit brings together the leader in asset-centric FSM and a leading enterprise integration platform to make it fast and easy to connect ServiceMax and ERP data and business flows - no code needed.

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ServiceMax Engage


Connettersi, supportare e valorizzare i clienti finali per garantire la loro soddisfazione e dati accurati sugli asset. I produttori e gli operatori di asset complessi si aspettano sempre più visibilità e coinvolgimento nel processo di assistenza. ServiceMax Engage è un’applicazione mobile intuitiva che collega le organizzazioni di assistenza sul campo con i produttori e gli operatori degli asset per aumentare la visibilità del servizio, migliorare l’esperienza del cliente finale e garantire la qualità dei dati degli asset stessi.

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ServiceMax SMS Action Service


Field service providers are continuously seeking to improve worker productivity. At the same time, customers, service managers, and technicians themselves increasingly expect to be updated in real time on the status of the work being performed. How can field technicians keep their service stakeholders updated while not wasting precious time performing repetitive tasks on their mobile devices?

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USDM Life Sciences and ServiceMax deliver a validated, continuously compliant, total solution for field service management


Companies in life sciences and medical equipment industries know that failure to comply with regulations can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and present serious hurdles to their business. Repair and maintenance are key component of the product lifecycle that help retain customers and grow business. Technology supporting aftermarket services needs to be both robust to handle maintenance of complex equipment and continuously validated to ensure compliance with FDA’s 21 CFR part 11.

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ServiceMax Partner XCELLENCE Program Enablement Journey


ServiceMax Systems Integrators and Consulting Partners enable our clients to digitally transform their business to deliver an unparalleled solution that drives operational efficiency with 360-degree view of assets. To improve the quality of services provided and create long lasting relationship with our partners, ServiceMax partner enablement and success journey is focused on building capacity and competency with Asset 360.

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Zinc – Servizio Remoto Intelligente


Sappiamo che una risoluzione efficiente dei servizi è un indicatore chiave di successo sia per voi che per i vostri clienti. Per ottenere una risoluzione rapida ed efficiente, i tecnici devono avere accesso agli esperti e alle informazioni che possono aiutarli a risolvere rapidamente le problematiche che incontrano sul campo, al momento giusto. Le funzionalità di Remote Service di Zinc forniscono l'intelligenza necessaria al personale in ufficio per supportare efficacemente i tecnici sul campo.

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ServiceMax Remote Support, powered by Scope AR


Remote service support has become an important capability for field service organizations. Drivers include new health and safety requirements, the complexity of equipment and a growing skills gap in the workforce. Leveraging text, chat, voice, and visuals to deliver contextual knowledge— at the right time, and in the right format—has the potential to profoundly improve productivity, safety, and asset uptime, as well as both customer and employee experience.

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Bolt Data Connect + ServiceMax


The loT market for service execution is maturing. According to Gartner, 65% of complex equipment manufacturers plan to execute loT-enabled “servitization” by 2025. But these plans cannot come to fruition without applications that address the data, work type and integration challenges specific to field service.

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ServiceMax Asset 360 for Salesforce Field Service


ServiceMax e Salesforce uniscono le forze per fornire la soluzione più completa per il field service, massima efficienza con una vista a 360 gradi degli asset insieme alla piattaforma numero 1 per il CRM. Con Asset 360 è possibile avere una piena visibilità degli asset permettendo di massimizzare le performance. Nel contesto competitivo attuale dove i servizi sono un fattore di differenziazione chiave, questa nuova soluzione permetterà alle aziende di adottare nuovi modelli di business incentrati sui risultati e migliorare l’esperienza dei clienti.

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ServiceMax per concessionari o rivenditori


  • Machinery
  • Building & Construction

Spesso rivenditori e concessionari affiliati a uno o più produttori o che vendono e noleggiano attrezzature si trovano ad operare in mercati sempre più competitivi con margini di prodotto sempre minori. Di fronte a questa realtà, i rivenditori e concessionari stanno portando la loro attenzione sui servizi di assistenza per differenziarsi dalla concorrenza, ottenere una crescita redditizia e aumentare la quota di mercato. Ma da dove cominciare?

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ServiceMax per il settore delle apparecchiature medicali


  • Life Science & Medical Equipment

Come ottenere una maggiore produttività e aumentare i ricavi dai servizi senza compromettere la conformità. La salute e la vita umana dipendono dalle prestazioni delle attrezzature mediche. Un malfunzionamento può provocare ritardi nelle cure, sanzioni all’azienda che fornisce i servizi di assistenza o, nel peggiore dei casi, danni al paziente. I team di Field Service dei produttori di attrezzature mediche sono sotto pressione per fare di più con meno risorse: fornire un servizio eccellente e generare fatturato, garantendo al contempo la massima conformità.

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Asset-Centric Field Service Management for Facilities


The challenge to continually improve margins and the promise of long term, more profitable client relationships drives facility management companies to move on from an operational role to becoming a strategic partner. At the same time Facility Management (FM) professionals battle with a multitude of inefficient systems that fail to provide the necessary visibility and accountability and that are responsible for billions of dollars wasted in facility management every year. Companies in the FM industry need to improve their processes and close functional gaps in their systems to grow margins, satisfy their customers, and realize productivity gains for their mobile workers.

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Asset-Centric Field Service Management for Heavy Construction Machinery


  • Building & Construction

ServiceMax is the leader in field service management, providing digital tools to automate and manage work orders, service debriefs, parts planning, inspections, preventive maintenance, and technician enablement.

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Asset-Centric Field Service Management for Material Handling Equipment


ServiceMax provides asset-centric field service management for control systems and material handling equipment by managing and automating work orders, service debriefs, parts planning, inspections, proactive maintenance, and technician enablement.

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Service Execution for Renewable Energy


Renewable energy growth is accelerating due to policy, technology, and cost advances. The intensifying growth of renewables poses problems for service execution. Keeping track of scheduling and dispatching workers safely and efficiently; ensuring offline capability; and making the most of IoT enabled insights are among the challenges facing OEMs, service providers, and operators of renewable energy assets. Fortunately, these challenges play to ServiceMax’s strength in complex service.

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Service Execution for the Smart Grid


The electrical grid is becoming more and more complex due to the explosive growth of distributed “smart grid” assets such as smart meters, solar and distributed energy resources, batteries, and electric vehicle charging stations. OEMs, utilities, and service providers that develop, deploy, and service smart grid technology select ServiceMax for its leadership in complex and connected service execution.

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ServiceMax for Rail Transportation


ServiceMax for Rail Transportation can support the management of signal, track, bridge, communication, and wayside equipment maintenance. It is designed specifically to support the daily maintenance delivery operations of freight railways large and small, transit, commuter/passenger rail and light rail customers.

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ServiceMax for Power Generation


Changing patterns of electricity demand and supply are pressuring companies across power generation to “do more with less”: to improve productivity and reduce operations and maintenance costs while ensuring the safety of their technicians. Balancing these business outcomes cannot be achieved with today’s legacy software systems. ServiceMax helps power plant operators, service providers, and OEMs address a prevalent pain point in power generation service: orchestrating and completing complex work. Its asset and service management capabilities create value and drive outcomes across the service delivery chain, from providing an as-maintained system of record to finding the right crews for the job to equipping workers with the digital tools to get the job done.

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Security for the Service Execution Platform


Trust is the foundation of our customer relationship. We value the trust you place on us as the stewards of your equipment and asset data. The ServiceMax Service Execution Platform is highly secure and designed to meet the rigorous standards you expect. We are committed to continue developing Field Service Management and Asset Management products that are secure, compliant, and available.

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ServiceMax Advanced Forms


ServiceMax Advanced Forms is the ultimate efficiency tool for your technicians’ work belt. It ensures that complex forms, inspections, and checklists are reliably executed by technicians on their mobile devices.

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Zinc Drives Results for Field Service Teams


By leveraging a single communication platform that connects everyone with the people, knowledge and resources needed, field service organizations can make impressive improvements that result in cost savings, improved performance and retention rates, higher customer satisfaction, and increased revenue.

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10 Reasons Why Customers Choose Zinc Over Any Other Communication Platform


Zinc brings real-time, secure communication to teams who are on the ground, working with customers each day. What makes Zinc stand out from the crowded market of communication solutions? In this infosheet, you'll find our customers' top 10 reasons for why they love using Zinc.

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ServiceMax Remote Triage


ServiceMax Remote Triage is a module of the ServiceMax platform that helps service organizations find the most cost-effective solution for each failure incident and prevents unnecessary truck rolls. Remote Triage gives service organizations more options than just dispatching technicians every time a failure is reported. By applying AI to historical service data, Remote Triage understands the root causes, how they were resolved, and which parts were used. As new service requests come in, Remote Triage suggests likely solutions, ranked by their cost effectiveness.

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ServiceMax Parts Management


ServiceMax enables service organizations to manage their parts and inventory levels and provide technicians with the information they can rely on.

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ServiceMax Work Order Management


ServiceMax Work Order Management helps you manage and track work orders from creation and assignment through job execution and debrief. Dispatchers leverage Service Board to create work orders, schedule jobs via drag and drop, get intelligent resource recommendations, track technicians, predict drive times, and much more. Technicians, upon work order assignment, use the mobile app ServiceMax Go to access information on the work order, capture the job execution details, and debrief. Dedicated, no-code work flows ensure your technicians perform jobs consistently across different teams and geographies.

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ServiceMax Proactive Maintenance


Implement the best in Proactive Maintenance (PM) strategy with time-, usage-, and condition-based PM plans and automated work order creation that allow you to rightsize your maintenance work, lower costs, and extend the life of your equipment.

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ServiceMax Customer Success Plans


When implementing a new business solution, you want assurances that responses are timely, customer care is attentive, and, most importantly, the support quality is consistent. You want in-house experts with decades of experience who deliver training and support to make sure that ServiceMax’s implementation is a success for your organization.

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ServiceMax Asset Service Management for Production Operators


The term ‘digital oilfield’ is used to describe the vision of real-time asset management for optimal oil and gas production and field management. Many oil and gas operating companies, large and small, have taken the steps to instrument and automate wellsites for remote monitoring and control. This has enabled them to analyze and visualize field production data to make decisions that optimize well and fieldwide performance. While these steps are necessary, they are not enough to completely realize the vision of a truly digital oilfield. The remaining steps include incorporating the ability to respond to events in real-time that require human intervention. Such examples may include responding to an unexpected drop in production, a spill risk, an erratic tubing or casing pressure measurement reading, hydrate buildup, or a poorly functioning regulator on a new well just placed into production.

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ServiceMax Asset Service Management for the Digital Plant


Oil, gas, and chemical facilities of all types are under constant pressure. Refineries, gas processing facilities, petrochemical plants, liquified natural gas facilities, and others are challenged with minimizing unplanned shutdowns, increasing throughput, controlling quality, and reducing safety and compliance incidents. Operations and maintenance strategies are integral to achieving these demands so that assets are maintained closer to real-time. Integrating these strategies into a digital transformation journey will drive the business outcomes you’ve set out to achieve.

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Contractor Management with ServiceMax Partner Community


Boost the flexibility of your field workforce with third-party technicians. In field service, it is all about the customer focus, their experience is the measure of your success. To increase your geographical coverage, to meet seasonal demand, or for specific types of work, you may need a capacity boost from third-party technicians. Or you outsource all your field service activities to contracted partners. ServiceMax Partner Community addresses your demand for real-time visibility into your partners’ operations to ensure their accountability, and your customers’ experience. It makes your service channel transparent and lets you securely share information with your partners, empowering them to deliver great service on your behalf.

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ServiceMax for Industrial Manufacturers


Industrial manufacturers of machinery are in a position to harness the power of aftermarket service. No matter what you manufacture and sell — whether it’s food and beverage machinery, process control equipment, standard machine tools or specialty pumps — your industrial machinery requires service.

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ServiceMax for the Telecom Industry


The Telecom industry is at an unprecedented crossroads. Carriers are constantly challenged to rationalize networks and offer improved and expanded services to end customers—through the use of small cells, network densification (adding more cells to serve more customers), and spectrum efficiency improvement

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ServiceMax for Medical Device Manufacturers


  • Life Science & Medical Equipment

Human lives and wellness depend on medical equipment performance. A malfunction can lead to treatment delays, penalties to the service organization, or in the worst case, harm to a patient. Field service teams of Medical Device Manufacturers are under pressure to do more with less: improve operational efficiencies and achieve growth while decreasing compliance risks.

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ServiceMax Schedulazione e Dispaccio


Per una gestione efficiente del Field Service è molto importante disporre del tecnico o dell’esperto giusto assegnato all'intervento giusto nel momento giusto con i pezzi giusti e le informazioni giuste. Desiderate rispondere immediatamente e offrire la migliore pianificazione ai vostri clienti? Dovete anche assicurarvi che i vostri team di assistenza sul campo - sia i vostri dipendenti che i tecnici di terze parti - siano utilizzati in modo efficiente; riducendo al minimo i tempi di spostamento e slot liberi nelle loro agende. Per pianificare e inviare il tecnico giusto, è necessario comprendere e bilanciare rapidamente la disponibilità, l'idoneità, gli accordi sul livello di servizio e le competenze. Le richieste di manutenzione pianificate, così come le richieste non pianificate provenienti dai tuoi clienti e direttamente dai dispositivi abilitati all' IoT, o l'auto-dispacciamento devono essere poi inserite e gestite tenendo conto delle disponibilità degli ingegneri.

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ServiceMax Dashboards & KPIs


Increase revenue and profitability by gaining insight into your service operations. To run a successful field service organization, you can’t rely on "gut feel"—you need data. Understanding key performance metrics (KPIs) and tracking them closely is imperative to identifying strengths and improving weaknesses in your service operations.

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ServiceMax for the Digital Oilfield


The term ‘digital oilfield’ is used to describe the vision of real-time asset management for optimal oil & gas production and field management. Many oil & gas operating companies, large & small, have taken the initial steps to instrument and automate wellsites for remote monitoring & control. ServiceMax will help you take that next step in the transformation of your oilfield operations toward real-time asset management.

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ServiceMax for Oilfield Services


No matter the oilfield service: seismic, drilling, oilfield fluids, reservoir evaluation, stimulation, completions, or well intervention, ServiceMax is designed to optimize oilfield service operations. ServiceMax can help you deliver flawless oilfield service delivery and transform your service organization.

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Data sheet - ServiceMax Field Service App IT


Un'esperienza mobile nuova per la gestione del Field Service su dispositivo

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ServiceMax Installed Base Management


Aprite l’app ServiceMax Installed Base, un’applicazione mobile, intelligente e di facile impiego, pensata per l’impresa, che offre una visibilità completa della vostra base installata. Fonte privilegiata di conoscenza per i tecnici, l’app ServiceMax Installed Base consente loro di sapere, ancor prima di arrivare, quali apparecchiature sono effettivamente disponibili e il punto preciso in cui sono dislocate.

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Data Sheet - ServiceMax Field Service Management


ServiceMax trasforma il servizio di assistenza e offre tecnologie innovative per aiutare le aziende a fornire un servizio eccellente.

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La Gestione dei Contratti di Service con ServiceMax


Il servizio basato sui risultati richiede funzionalità di contratto moderne. ServiceMax consente alle organizzazioni di definire e gestire un'ampia gamma di piani di servizio che consentono l'espansione in nuovi mercati e aumentano i profitti, tutti all'interno di una soluzione completa per la fornitura di field service.